I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
-Marshall McLuhan

30 October 2010

I have another follower

Gah, for some reason, whenever I want to write "another" I keep writing "a nother" not even "an other."

Nother isn't even a word. 
Or maybe it is.
Well, not a word, but a name.

Anyway, the thingy on my dashboard said "13 followers" but when I clicked on it, it said 12. Either wait, I have a new follower

Welcome to my blog, Nurul Adilla Mohd Roslan.
I kind of have to wonder, what kind of insane, unstable cynic are you??
But then I realize, what the hey, another follower.
So welcome. :)
And please don't be scared off by my horrid writing.


At first I forgot what else I wanted to write about, but I just remembered.
Caramel Apples.

Yesterday, I ate my first caramel apple ever. In my life.
When I was a kid, I'd always wanted to try one, but then my mother would rant about how it'll spoil my teeth, sugar is bad for you, you'll get fat, you won't do well if you sit around stuffing your face all day, you have enough things as it is, why need a caramel apple, if you keep talking like this you'll be a failure at life, etc, etc-- *breath*-- and so I just dropped it and after a while, even when I got my own money, and when I saw one, it was just kinda... hmmm a caramel apple. Looks nice.

Kinda like when you're looking at jewelry and you see something really nice and really expensive and you think, Oh, how pretty, but you don't even feel sad that you can't buy it cuz you know it's part of a different world, a world in which you don't belong.

But yesterday, Newspaper-sensei was kind enough to make some and I ate one and it was wonderful~

And yeah, saying "wonderful" probably isn't like me, but it was really nice.

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