I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
-Marshall McLuhan

25 August 2010

Sometimes cliches are the only thing you can use. 〜止めてお尻が痛い〜

Our bio-in-a-bag assignment.
Three items.
I have the cover of one of my yaoi manga (I couldn't bring myself to use the other one, cuz I don't wanna lose it ><), some stamps from Canada, and a fountain pen. 

"I grew up in Canada and consider myself Canadian. 
I like to write and draw.
And about this cover...
It is the cover of a manga I have... and it's here because of two things. First, I am an OTAKU, meaning I like anime. I am also a fujoshi."

"What's a fujoshi?"

"Uh... er... someone... who likes... yaoi..."

"What's yaoi?"

"It's... part of a genre... called BL?"

"What does BL stand for?"

"Uh..." (Oh, shit!!) "See, it is a genre of girl's manga... and it stands for... B... Bu Love. Like, "bu" as in "no" for Chinese. See, cuz all manga marketed for girls is some kind of romance. Anything without romance tends to be marketed for guys, or but in a monthly edition of Jump... So, it's a way for shoujo manga artists to not put romance in their work... while still marketing... for... females..."

or maybe,

"...I'm a fujoshi, meaning I like yaoi. Spelt Y-A-O-I, but don't look it up. It'd be easiest to go to Wikipedia and search Yaoi. But, seriously, don't. Really. I beg of you, implore you, do not search this. Either you will forget all about this or this will linger at the back of your mind and haunt you as you try to figure out whether you want to know or not. And, trust me, you don't. Really. Unless you do :)"

I learned something new today, and about yaoi of all things.
YAOI stands for YAma nashi Ochi nashi Imi nashi, no plot, no climax, no meaning, which, really, is what a lot of yaoi, especially doujinshi, it seems, is. 

But there is an alternative acronym to that.

YAmete, Oshiri ga Itai.
Stop it, my butt hurts. 

And I really like that so I shall be using this from now on. :)

I love an anime called Tegami Bachi, or Letter Bee.
It is awesome.
And then one character disappears after chapter 2 (even though he is my favorite character!! And his name is Gauche Suede! Awesome name, non?) (well, I doubt any of you will read this, so I'll just go and spoil, kay?) and it turns out he lost his memory and turned into a marauder named Noir.


How cliched is that? Of all the names he could have adopted, why Noir?
And then I try to think of other names. 
I am not Gauche Suede. I am Blanc! Or I am Vert! Or I am Orange! 
He should have adopted the name Orange! (with a French accent, too!)
Gauche Suede does not exist anymore. I am Orange! 

And because I love Gauche so much, I've been trying to say "OH MY GAUCHE" instead of OMIGOD whenever I can, but I can never seem to find a place to say that.
It's so frustrating.


I really like a book called The Stranger by Albert Camus.
He was a French philosopher.
The main character's so... detached. Even worse than detached.
He kills a guy and when asked if he's sorry, he says he's more annoyed than sorry. 
And it's not really actiony or eventful... it's just... It has a nice, clean style, it's easy to read but every now and then it's kinda "Gasp! Revelation!"

And my dad likes the book too...
So my mother teased me about being like him (WHICH I AM NOT!!)
But I feel like you have to be a specific type of person to actually understand and like that book. 

I mean, if the average person my age reads it, I'm  guessing they'd say "Ok... so he's weird. So what?"

And it makes me think of the novel referred to many times in Book Girl and the Suicidal Mime.

No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai. 

I want to read it.
But apparently, reading the book makes you want to kill yourself...
But I still want to read it. The main character's like the one in The Stranger, only, I guess more to an extreme?

Cuz in No Longer Human, the main chara can't understand why people feel certain ways. No matter what he does, he can't feel happy or sad. Just, empty.
"Mine has been a life of shame. I am ashamed. Ashamed to be alive"
That kind of thing. 

And that does sound very depressing (I really don't know too much about the book, I'm only going from what was in Book Girl) but I really want to read it.

Does that make me depressing?

And when I asked my dad if it's a bad thing that I like The Stranger, he said it makes me old fashioned. -.-'

Whatever, I'm taking that as a compliment.

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