I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
-Marshall McLuhan

23 August 2010

POST # 200!!

Back-to-school special! 
Today, I returned to the darkest, cruelest depths of the abyss.
I went to hell and then I came back.

And then I'll go again!

Yeah, so, school sucked.

(Egad! No!! School?? But all the excitement! And the newness and the totally not-suckish-ness!)

Anyway, my schedule was so sad.
I had a good friend in 1, count 'em (it) ONE class. 

I start the day with Algebra 2. How nice. Friends? None. People I know? Yeah, but I either don't talk to them or I don't like them. 

And then French 3. Same teacher as last year (What the heck are you saying??? SOMEONE GIVE ME SUBTITLES!!) and a lot of the class were in my class last year. There was one person I found myself able to talk to, but not really a friend.

And then I have PE for third.... again. Hello, D-lunch. Again.
Hello, starvation and pointless stretches. Again.
I knew exactly one person in that class, and she was only an acquaintance .
PE is like, a million people squeezed into a gym!! HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN???

Fourth was Business. They wrote it BUS INFO on the schedule.
"What is that? Bus... Info?"
Yeah, my life's dream is to be a bus driver for a ****ed-up place like HISD.

Fifth was Newspaper. But then they changed the name to Professional Communications. And then Print Arts. And then they settled on Graphic Design. Make up you mind, will you??? Jeez...

Sixth was biology. Again, no friends or acquaintances. I knew a few people by name/face only. How sad. 

Seventh was English. I had one friend! Yes! I usually call her Dousei na Yatsu, but let's change that to the new nickname I gave her, Are-chan. As in "Ah-reh" not, "arr". It kinda sounds like her name, but it can also mean "it", now that I think about it.... And she's buying me ice cream tomorrow!! Ufufufufufufufu~

Eighth was World History. How fun. I knew, like, two people, but one not very well, and the other I don't like very much.

So, this is my awesome, awesome, awesome schedule that just proves the god of schools and education is an ass. He hates me, I swear. 

But! I have a friend in english! Well, half the class was in my class last year. And my english teacher is also my homeroom teacher.

Speaking of homeroom, it was filled with people I can't get along with, again.
Someone help me.
Please let next year be better...

There was a surprising amount of people today. One of my senior friends (Dang, a lot of my friends are seniors now...) said there are more than last year. 

And, even though I'm a sophomore now, I don't feel like anything's changed.


No way I'm gonna be nice enough to end the post there.
And I'm done with the bitching.  :)

I finally got igoogle to work on my computer. I used to have it as my homepage, but then it was all "MALWARE WARNING!!!!!!!" 

But it worked on Firefox. But I always use Safari, and I don't really like Firefox that much anymore...

But there was one gadget on there and on firefox, it said something was wrong with it. So I got rid of it. and then


IT WORKS!!!!!! 

So, yeah, my homepage is back to igoogle and not my email anymore.
For some reason, I feel very.... triumphant. :)


I was looking at quotes yesterday, and I was thinking.

Sometimes, you kind of feel like the value of a quote lies really in who said it. Douglas Adams said, (or wrote) "Live and learn. At any rate, live!" Would that still be funny said in that awful monotone by your horrid history teacher? Is a quote bad just because an evil person said it?

What if Stalin had said "All men are created equal" and, oh, I don't know, Thomas Jefferson said, "One death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic."

Both, really, are true. I'll try to be nice and optimistic here, and agree that all men are create equal. 

Would changing who said something affect how people look at the quote? 


Last night, I remembered a bunch of old, kinda funny (corny?) commercials from when I was a kid.

I remember the Juicy Fruit one featured a guy singing with a guitar about Juicy Fruit, and they'd always be trying to get rid of him.

and then there was that trident gum one, where they put that filling inside the gum. The commercial was of a bunch of people standing at a bus stop, and then this guy in a swimsuit (as in the kinda scary triangular ones) walks up, and people stare at him, because, well, wearing a swimsuit at a bus stop not located near a beach is weird. And then he chews on some gum, and then this wave of water crashes over them.

I remember I used to like Geico commercials. The gecko was just so adorable. But then they kept doing the "it's so easy, a caveman can do it!" thing, and it was so annoying. You know what? This commercial looks like a caveman wrote it. 

And I find the Comcast commercials for all the HD they have very idiotic. "The HD war is over" or whatever. 

I feel like American commercials are just stupid. They're awful. 
And they only seem to get worse during the Super Bowl. 
There are some Japanese commercials that are adorable. 
I like some Korean ones, too. The ones where they have cartoon graphics. And even if it's not even drawn to be cute, they're just adorable. I don't know why. 

But for the most part I hate commercials. 
You know, in Korea, there's a ban on commercials during a program. 
Doesn't that sound often?
And then you guys think it's wasted on them, cuz Korean TV is just... so... You know...
But I like Korean TV. I find it amusing. I'm sorry, but I do.


I remember it was pretty safe in Canada.
(Well, duh, it's Canada.)
And we didn't really lock our doors unless we went out. 
And then we came here.
I wasn't used to locking doors, so my parents would always shout at me for not locking them. 

Now, it's my habit to lock the door as soon as I get inside. When did that happen?

I know this isn't really of much consequence, but it's kind of... odd, y'know? I grew up not locking doors, I move and in a few years, locking the door is just a natural thing. 

And outside the window, it's raining. It's so gray and depressing. 

(By the way, you'll have noticed I changed my blog, again. If you like it, then please say. So. If you don't, go ahead and say so. My readers from when I started will know that I tend to change things around a lot. You get used to it. Probably. Maybe. That'd be nice, wouldn't it?)

1 comment:

  1. Hey!! Happy 200th post!!! :D

    I think it really does make a difference who said what quote, and I realllly love your example.

    ahh, school. Mine started last Wednesday - the first day of public school ever for me. So like, I don't know anybody...and being a introvert who isn't good at making conversation...well I probably come off as standoffish so no one wants to talk to me. (Sitting alone at lunch and reading a book probably doesn't help either.)

    AND I love your new blog look! Very fitting for the start of school :P The lightness makes things easier to read too. :)
