I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
-Marshall McLuhan

21 August 2010

School starts Monday.
I don't want to go to school. I've woken up before ten, like, twice this whole summer. School should start at noon.
And still end at 4. 

We went to San Marcos yesterday and stayed there overnight.
I got an L t-shirt from Hot Topic. 
And a new backpack, cuz my old one is falling apart. 

I don't want school to start. I want to stay home and sleep. 

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 

I really wonder if I'm actually a harsh person. 
Either I'm being sarcastic or I'm being honest, that's all it ever is. 
But people always get offended at what I say.
But you get offended easily yourself.
Mukyaa! She's back! 
Sure, I get offended easily, but that doesn't mean everyone else should be easily offended, too. If you're gonna point out that I'm overly-sensitive, don't be overly sensitive to my response to that. Jeez.

But I think it really is just that honesty is the same as harshness nowadays. And even if you're going to be honest, you have to word it a certain way. In 7th grade, when I said something to a friend, and then responded to her look of indignation with, I was just being honest... She said, "No, that's not being honest. There were a bunch of different ways you could have said that."

So, being honest isn't enough. You have to be nice and use these little things called euphemisms. They're ghastly things that let you be diplomatic and nice when you're, oh, I don't know, telling the truth. Because people don't want to hear the truth. Well, even if they must hear it, they want you to word it in a way that twists it so much, it doesn't even sound like the truth anymore.

But during that journalism camp I went to, one of the teachers said that euphemisms were the worst mistake of journalists. He said, when someone dies,they don't go and say they died. They say, "He passed away." He didn't pass away. He died. He died because he was too stupid to use his seatbelt. He didn't pass away, or meet his end, or anything like that. He died. As in he's dead. 

So, I guess while you mean the same thing, I feel like euphemism kid of cheapen it. If something is really bad, and then you reword it to be nice that doesn't change the fact that it's bad, and it doesn't seem like you're being realistic. Can't we just accept that things are how they are? 

I mean, if I hate your guts, I am not going to tell you that I do not like you. I am going to tell you that I hate your guts. If I think you're a total idiot, I'm not going to say that you're "not smart." I'm gonna call you a total idiot. If I don't agree with you, I'm not gonna try to be diplomatic and say, "Well... I don't disagree with you, but......" I'm going to say "I don't agree with you. Period. Take it as me disagreeing with you."

I mean, that's what I'd like to say. I am a very, very small and weak little Asian girl.If I try to be a smidgen more honest than socially acceptable, I can be beaten very, very easily. So, like every other human out there, I quietly sit in my corner scheming my revenge and ranting to myself about the unfairness of it all. And then when someone walks up to me and ask me about my opinion, do you know what I'll do?


Noo. I will state my opinion in a roundabout, confusing and incomprehensible way that sounds educated and not offensive so that the person will smile, nod and walk away. 

So, you'll lie. Lip service. 

...If you must label it.... It's "being nice." It's what everyone demands of me nowadays.

As in lying.

Look, even if I am being honest, I have to state it in a way that sounds like a joke. So no one takes me seriously when I want them to, and they only take seriously what they want to take seriously. It's not like it's my fault.

Aah, it's a good thing I only exist in your head. I can be as honest as I want here.

No, it's not good. Not for me. You insult me on a daily basis, and you make me feel like utter crap every time I see... talk to.... think of you.

But that's all in your mind. 
They never cut off anyone's head, you know.

Quit quoting Lewis Carroll.

But it was the Griffon who said it.


It's fine. We're all mad here.

............................................................................................ (True, but...)


Today, I finally found the Aria manga. Finally. I'm very happy. I don't remember where the bag is in which I put it, but it's somewhere in the apartment. Hahahahaha.

Gah, I got ink all over my keyboard..... My inkpot's being weird, and whenever I touch the rim of the cap, my fingers get covered in ink. 

Aah, my wireless keyboard ><
It lasted this long without a stain, but now.......... T.T

I got most of it off, but there's a big smudge on the L key. and O and P. And the space bar.

Oh, get over it.

By the way, where's *laugh* guy?

...I died.

That's a rather crass joke--
What the heck, saying/typing that about yourself????

But people still make jokes like that, don't they?

How am I supposed to know? Do you really expect me to analyze speech patterns of the people around me?

But they're your generation. You should know how they talk.

But I don't. I don't really care, either. Do people still way "fail" and "pwn"?

You, ma'am, are a failure as a human being.

I've been aware of that for quite some time.

Even worse.

Deal with it. 'S not like you have any choice. It's my brain you live in. (hey, get out and make room for the French and algebra I should have learned!)

What about you get rid of all that anime and BL you're always obsessing over instead?

Gasp! You're so mean!

As I've said, defining characteristic.

No, your defining characteristic is that  you're cold!

Same thing in this society.

Egad! How cynical!

Of course. She's part of your personality. She has to be cynical. Same with me. Heck, the url of this blog is just a little cynicism.

That doesn't mean we should all be cynical!!

Says the idiot who keeps giving her main characters the same personality.

Mukyaa! How low!!!
I'm trying to fix that!!!!!! And in the stories I'm working on (read: trying to work on [read:freaking out and stressing over and yet still not working on]) they all have different personalities, so ha!!

Sure, sure. You go tell yourself that. 

So cruel!

Now that I think about it, just a little cynicism? A little? You're one of the most cynical, bitter people you (and thus, I) have ever met!

Guh, well... If every teenager on this earth was cynical (I mean, as cynical as I am. Every teen seems to try out the "humans suck" mindset but few seem to be able to master it. Don't treat mastering it like a good thing!) then, what would this world come to? 

Well, if/when you become an author, and someone tries to write a biography, they'll have an easy time. "This author was very depressed and lead a boring life." Like a lot of authors, see?

What century are you talking about??

To think you've written so much about such mindless drivel.

You're turning on me, too??? HOW COULD YOU????? TRAITOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, we're gonna be nice and end the post now. Have a nice day :)

Ugyah, how out of character! And don't end MY post without MY permi-- 

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