I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
-Marshall McLuhan

22 August 2010

Damnit, Damnit, Damnit, Damnit, Damnit, Damnit, Damnit, Damnit.

Today is Sunday.
August 22, 2010. 
Aah, cursed, cursed day. 
And the morrow, ahh, how all the more cursed it shall be. 


Hey, don't laugh at my attempt at writing poetically!

This is the whole point of me being here. If I don't laugh at you, I lose my job.

What "job"? You're there t make sure there's some laughter whenever I make a joke!

But all it does is cause more embarrassment for you.

Will you--
You know what? 
Never mind.
Laugh all you want.



Done yet?


Anyway, I--

Ok, I'm done. :D

School starts tomorrow.
I even slept at 11 yesterday instead of sometime past midnight, and yet, I still woke up at 11. 
Will I have to sleep at 7 during the school year? Is that what you're trying to tell me???

Why can't school start in September? 
School starts in the fall. September is f***ing fall, August is f***ing summer

Tomorrow, this poor, poor, poor soul shall die.
Meaning you'll have one less awesome blog to follow!!
Or maybe not. 
But still. 

School should start next week.
Better yet, not at all.

This is Post #199.
Meaning, tomorrow, post 200 (meaning, if I survive or am not comatose and am able to write it) shall be a Back to School Special!!
Isn't that GREAT???


I haven't been working on the webcomic since the last time I wrote about it.
Suddenly, I wonder. Is it even any good?

Now you start thinking about that???

I mean, would it be better if I just did your regular slice-of-life, oh so cliched slapstick?
I could do it, and easily.
Using *laugh* guy, smart/cold one and myself as the main characters, we could go to this imaginary school in my head where the principal's insane, and all this crap. 

Would you guys rather read that?

Slice-of-life or weird-take-on-historical-patterns-of-a-revolution-or-other-big-change-done-by-the-knowledge-of-the-top-of-the-head-of-an-odd-teenage-girl? (ooh, gives me another idea for the latter!!!)

Really, either's fine. I have a few chapters done of the Revolt one, and I could to the sol (slice-of-life) one really quickly. 

So, you readers choose! 

(Last time I asked you to choose something, though, only 1, as in one, single, solitary, kind-hearted reader bothered to comment. *glares at the rest of them*)

Anon-san hasn't posted a comment in a while.
The others don't really comment, and I wonder if they even read...
And the only other potential commenter (looking at *YOU*, Indigo) was busy being an idiot and not reading my blog, heck, not doing a lot of things, and is now working on her art homework, I assume.

When you finally do read, this, WHY AREN'T YOU READING MORE OFTEN????? YOU SHOULD PRIORITIZE MORE, YOU BAKA!!! DO YOUR HOMEWORK FIRST SO THAT YOU HAVE TIME TO DO OTHER STUFF!!! (like reading my blog. It can't take more than an hour of your time. That's no time at all nowadays. Actually, nowadays, that's really a lot of time, but think of how many hours and hours and hours you've lived already! With drawing, an hour is nothing. An hour is a moderately detailed doodle, or the layout and first sketch of a painting.) 

^.^   o.o   -.-'   :D   D:   X(   >:O   =3=   ;P   CCCC>

I shall now go make character designs for *laugh* guy and smart/cold one. 
(I'm only using them cuz I'm too lazy to think of something original. They're good enough. I just need faces and heights for them Bwahahahaha.) (smart/cold one's still probably my height, eh?) (and I think I'll redesign my character. Or maybe not. I'll try to draw her better!)



I hadn't planned for this post to be this bad.

All your posts are bad. 
They're so bad, and so consistently bad, it makes us wonder if it's intentional.

Guaah, why are you bothering me again???

I got less text than *laugh* guy. 
I'm the one with an actual personality!

Oi, I got tons of personality! What kinds of personalities would take a job like this???

Are you so desperate for something to do, some recognition?

Okay, before this gets out of hand--

Oi, you didn't even let me reply!

Shut up.

You stay out of this! 
Hey, what's with that "I'm only using *laugh* guy and smart/cold one cuz I'm too lazy to think of something original"???? What do you think we are???
Hell, who do you think you are???

Wha, bu.... what...... 
How did you know I wrote that??

It's all up there, in black and white. And if we're part of you, of course we know. Idiot.
But, he's right (for once).

What's with that "for once"?! 

What are we, expendable characters for you to use at your discretion? We have feelings, too, you know!!
*door slams*

Uwah, Fuyuko has feelings?

Yeah, you're the one who was stupid enough to give us real personalities, anyway.

Mukyaa! Why're you being so mean?

If she's not here, it means I can be sarcastic and mean to you now! 

They're evil. Evil, I tell ya!!


Uh, y'know, I'd run if I were you.

Ugyah, what was that sound???
Uh, anyway, let's end the post here, while I go hide... somewhere hidden and not get killed! Bye!

- - -- - -- - - - - - 
What was that?

She heard your chainsaw and thought you were out to kill her.

Oh, please.
While I've considered it...

Then what was that noise?

Do you really wanna know?

Uh, you know what? No, thanks!


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