I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
-Marshall McLuhan

19 August 2010

In Which I Ramble About Things of No Consequence and Somehow Become Bitter About Total Lack of Comments.

(Become bitter? I barely got comments from the start! I've been bitter!)

It's been almost a week, so I decided I may as well post again.

I'm almost done rewriting chapter 3 of my webcomic, and I promise I will have it up here as soon as I get a scanner. And that day, ladies and gentlemen, shall be soon. *Nods*
My grandparents on my mother's side are more than fairly well-off (My grandfather built a bridge somewhere in Southeast Asia, I think. His name's on it, too, so I wanna go there and tell passersby, That's my grandpa!) That's not to say insanely rich, but they have money, and they are going to give me (and my bro) 50 dollars more for an allowance every month! Fifty! Five, zero, fifty! So, I already got 30 a month, and 50 plus 30 is 80! A whopping 80 bucks a month! (Hey, that's a lot to me, okay?) 

But, this month I went and bought that Black Butler shirt from Hot Topic (Idk if I mentioned that yet, but I LOVE it. It's hanging on the easel in my room right now. Sebby, I love you~~) and I went and got volume 2 of Black Butler, and the first two volumes of the Spice and Wolf novels, so now, I have... very little money. So, I'll probably buy it next month, or the month after.

So you guys should be happy.
Webcomic. :)
Actually, I don't know if any of you will like it... It's not like the horrible comic I did for the newspaper in 8th grade (I think I would have done better if I did it as 4-panel comics, though.... I really liked it, too.......) but the humor style is similar, I guess. I mean, it's written by, you know, moi, the same person who did that horrible humanoid-fox-tries-to-take-over-the-world thing, but there's no world conquest in this one! 

But at the end of chapter one, I introduced a character I don't particularly like... I know, I created him, so I should love him like my own child, but I don't.... like him. I wasn't even thinking when I drew him, but I don't think when I'm drawing any character. 

The main character was developed as he was because I wanted the parting in his hair on the right. The female main character is how she is because I wanted twin tails and something that looks like a hanbok. I should probably put more thought into my character designs. But I'll talk (write?) more about that when I actually put the comic up.

But I'm really quite surprised. No one is opposed to a webcomic? 
Well, granted that no one seemed to particularly want a webcomic, either... am I being self-centered in doing this? I mean, First and foremost, a blog should be written for myself. I didn't start this with the intent of getting people to read the horrors I crap out on this blog. I don't want to be famous in the blogging world, and I'm not so terribly interesting that I feel that the world should know my views. I write this to pass time, to... well... It's the closest thing to a journal I have, and every time I tried to keep a diary, I quit after two weeks. It's amazing this thing lasted this long.

And then as many as 9 people were kind enough (foolish enough?) to like my writing and follow this blog. So, I guess that I should value your opinions more. (I quit talking in Japanese so much, see?) 

So, I guess I should take no news as good news and just assume you're all cool with a webcomic and just put it up here, and then take it down after a couple weeks due to plummeting ratings. Nah, that implies it would have had ratings higher than 0 in the first place. (Should I just take no news as news so bad, no one can find it in their hearts to break it to me? Am I just reading too much into this?) 

But I was wondering how I should do it. The first page of every chapter has one strip, and then some kind of drawing underneath. The rest of the pages have two running horizontally. Gah, and I did it like a regular 4-koma thing, so it reads right to left... I can always flip it. (It'd be a pain, but I'd find a way to do it.) 

So, should I do one page a week, a few pages a week, one page a day (gah, I'd have to think of more quickly)...? 

I was thinking a few pages a week. Is that okay? Heck, I doubt anyone's gonna answer. I'll assume you'll give me the obvious answer (meaning no answer [thanks for being so vocal, guys!]) and just do it the way I plan to. 

1 comment:

  1. Here you go. :-) I thought this post was very postmodern.

