I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
-Marshall McLuhan

20 August 2010

Haha I got a comment yesterday.
I don't know, I just felt kind of happy...
And then he/she called my post postmodern. I wonder if that's a compliment?
Whatever, I'll take it as a compliment.
Anime I like are postmodern, so I will take it as a compliment. (but it's not like that technique's particularly new...)

(Though, whenever I complain about you guys not commenting [no, a couple of you do comment, so you guys are fine], I don't mean it. I do it to complain. But I feel like I'm being less read by the people who followed my blog when it first started out.)


I don't know if I mentioned it, but I bought a Black Butler shirt from Hot Topic. I love it~~ And then I got vol. 2 of the manga, and then the first 2 volumes of the Spice and Wolf novels. So I have very little money right now.

But, my grandparents on my mother's side are going to send me (and my bro) fifty extra dollars for our allowance every month! BWAHAHAHA!!!!!
So I should be getting a scanner soon... ish.... probably... maybe.... That would be nice, wouldn't it?

Ah, money, money, money. Must be funny. In a rich man's world.
Oh~~ All the things I could do~ If I had a little money. It's a rich man's world. 

Ok, I'll stop. 

I recently finished writing a short story yesterday. I watched the Time of Eve anime, and I thought, I wanna do something like that, so I did one where there are androids used as servants, and people think they should be treated like things, but then I made it a lot sadder than the anime. (Don't judge. Shakespeare did that for a lot of his works.) 

I kinda liked the idea, but when I looked over it... It sucks. I like how I started, though.
"I suppose I should start with a striking, thought-provoking statement. I'm sorry, but I have none." 

I like that. But you could start any story with that. :)

And then I thought of. "Ano toki, boku wakatteita. Baka tte." (at that time, I understood. I was a fool.) And I want to start a story with that. I can either think of all these little details for a story, but then I start to write, and I'm like.....


Long, long ago... Well, it wasn't really that long ago. Well, actually, yes it was long ago. I suppose that depends on your perception of "long." So, if you're twenty years old, it was a long time ago. If you're 2000 years old, it wasn't so much. (Then it was long ago, stupid!) Oh... is that so? Well, then..... *Presses delete key*

Like that. 
I can think of great ways to start stories, but then I can't think of a story for that start, or I think of a great story, but I can't start it. 

I seem to want to work on a lot of stories at one.

There's a war story, and it's gonna be all tragic (but two people survive! That's good, for me!)

A sci-fi comedy, and really there's nothing tragic there. 

A story about how a woman tries to create an empire while hiding the fact that she's a woman, which I decided to base on several rulers of China. LIke, stuff that they did, or things that happened to them, if I find it interesting or useful, I'll put it in the story.

If someone were to write a bible about a yaoi god, what would it be like? And the god's name is FuwaFuwa-sama. 

And I also want to do a series of tragic short stories. 

And then there's also a screenlpay I'm doing, that may or may not be shounen-ai, but I'm not going to put any (ok, very, very, very few.) service scenes in there and it's gonna be sad. 

So that's 6. Six of them. That I want to work on. All at once. 
And I like all of those stories. There were a bunch of other, but then I decided, "nah, I can live without writing those" and then I forgot them, and now they're gone, never to return........ 

A moment of silence for those poor dead stories, please. 

Anyway, I was thinking maybe I could do one of those (like the sci-fi comedy one) on this blog. 
But would it be took much if there's also the webcomic? 
Would you guys want either of them? Or would you rather read my not-terribly-interesting views on the world? 

Guah, there's also one based on this dream I had, where there's this girl and she's waiting in this field of grass. And she's waiting for someone, and she doesn't know who it is, but she knows she has to wait there. And then all these clouds and animals and winds pass her, going to the "paradise that the sky found" (damnit, that sounds better when I write it in the story, in a less self-aware way....). 

      And some people go to her and tell her that they're the person she's waiting for, when they're not, and they take her away, but she figures out they're the wrong person and goes back to the field of grass. 

    But, the person she's waiting for actually died, and he's not coming. So she should just go to Paradise and be happy, but she thinks, No, I have to wait here! 

And she even contacted the person once and everything! 
It's not written in a way that's sad outright, but it's very melancholy when you think about it. Very sad. 

So that's 7. Damn it. 
I should decide on one and write it....

I was gonna ramble on about something else, but then thinking of my own incompetence drove that all away and now I got nothing. 

I'm sorry my posts are so pointless. 

I'll try to do better from now on.........

I'm sorry. 
Now that I think about it, it's been a while since *laugh* guy and smart/cold one were here.....

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