I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
-Marshall McLuhan

31 August 2010

For some unfathomable reason (well, I think it might be because they're trying to level out the classes, but still.), they went and changed my schedule.

So, now, I have English with another teacher for 4th period. 
Y'know, I have nothing against English class, but this move made me lose the 1 (count it, ONE) class where I had a good friend. (WHY??? WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO ME???) and I don't really like the teacher too much. I think if I had started out with her, I might have been okay, but she seems so strict and teacher-ly and not as easy to get along with as my previous teacher. *Sigh* Most importantly I NOW HAVE NO CLASSES WITH ANY FRIENDS!!! Sure, people I will eventually become friends with, and I people I know, but no friends. It's so sad. I'm so alone.

And now I have Business for 7th period. Good bye, B-lunch. Good bye friends who have B-lunch. (I think I'll either have C or D lunch now. Ugh) So, unless a friend of mine magically appears in that class with me, I will be completely and utterly alone. 

A friend also had her schedule changed out of the blue, and on the bottom, it said that it was so they could level the classes, so I highly doubt that they'd be so kind enough to give me my old schedule. 


In the beginning of the year, when I had English with a friend, I said, Hey. Maybe there's a God of English or Literature who likes me! So he put me in this class with a friend! And the God of School just hates me, so the rest of my schedule is like hell.

Well, where'd you go, Eigo-gami??? 
Wherefore dost thou forsaken me? 
Art thou not a God? Thy silence rings deafening within my ears! 
In the back of my mind, Oh, sweet memories! 
But that is lost! 
I now standeth here on this mound of loneliness! 
Oh, fie! Oh, for shame! 
I standeth here, abandoned. 
Oh, what pain it be to be alone! 

Blah, blah, blah, etc, etc, etc. 
I'd continue, but I don't want to rant for too long and  I don't feel like expending the effort to continue with some kind of fake, pseudo Shakespearean wordage. It's a pain, you know? 

Like the pain of having them do this to me! WHY??? Can't you just leave me alone? Let me be! The classes from which I was moved weren't even that crowded, anyway!! 



In French 3, we're reading Le Petit Nicolas et Les Copains. 
And there was one part where one person said "terrain vague terrible"
They were talking about an empty lot.
And she asked us, Is "terrible" (French accent) a good thing or a bad thing?
Bad thing! He said terrible, just like how Indigo said all the time in middle school! (Oi, are you there? Do you still say that?) 

Au contraire, said French-sensei, looking down at the papers on the table in front of her. Still in French, she trilled, "It's a good thing. Like how you're always saying "ass." Like a good-ass burger"


"Like "stupid ass" is a good thing, but when you're using that with a thing, like a good-ass burger, it's a good thing, non?"

So, this was the first time we ever heard our teacher actually openly say a swearword, in English, in class.

It was quite amusing.
How do you say... You had to be there?

*Gets slapped*
Guah, I'm sorry!!! 

Anyway, I guess I should just accept my misfortune and move on with my life, eh?

But, first, I will continue ranting.
Seriously, this is so no fair, randomly switching my schedule like that, why didn't they do that for people who wanted schedule changes--

*gets slapped again*

Damn, I was kidding!! 



All of a sudden, *laugh* guy became *slap* guy...

No, it's not me. I don't approve of violence. It's her.

Huh? I never did anything!

I see! 
This is all a part of your plot to overthrow me and take over the body!! You'll never take alive!!!

That's the point. I don't want you alive.

Uwah, such a fast, cold comeback!! 

Here ends my useless rambling (sorry...) and you may now go on with your day :)
Sorry I keep complaining so much. :(

30 August 2010


I guess unreasonable parents and siblings are really no big news, but I'm pissed today, so you can read through my whining and bitching about the unfariness of the world!
Or you could skip this post.
I really don't care either way.
I just feel like ranting.

I forgot to print something out over the weekend, so I had to print it out this morning.
And guess what?
The printer worked and everything went along smoothly!
Of course not.
The stupid thing kept jamming, and it kept saying "Black ink cartridge is faulty or not compatible with this printer" or "Color ink cartridge is faulty or not compatible with this printer"
That ink has been there for weeks and weeks and weeks.
And it wouldn't print, and my mother completely flipped out on me.
I told her I could just write it down instead.
And then she hit me.
(Sorry for trying to not waste time)
But, seriously, it was only one page long, and it's not like they'd care if it was typed or handwritten. It was preliminary research for my article (it's on the cafeteria workers.) 
So then my mother scre... told me to put it on a USB and connect it to her computer. I pulled out the one for journalism, because this did have to do with my journalism work, but she got mad at me for doing that. She didn't even let me tell her that yes, this thing is for the school newspaper, so it's perfectly fine if I used this. I wouldn't think about using it if that were not the case. 

So then, she finally got it to print.
And then we had to leave for school.
I hoped and wished and prayed that she wouldn't be the one to drop me off today, but no! 
Mommy dearest had to drop me off, probably because she wanted to yell at me more, for being such an irresponsible idiot, and for lying that I had my homework done.
But it was done.
I'd just forgotten to print it.

And, of course, came my punishment. 
A month without anime. (It would be just from the computer, but I need it for school, and I barely use it for anything besides anime, anyway)
A whole month.
You know, I always thought a week was the standard punishment. 
But, nooo.
A month.
A whole f*cking month. 

Really, all it took was 20 minutes this morning, and it could have easily been fixed if she had just been willing to listen to me. But she's just the type of person who's always soo convinced she's absolutely right and won't listen to other people because, Oh, she already knows everything, no one needs to explain to her! Stop explaining, bitch!
But, seriously.
A month. Was 20 of her (slight, slight) suffering really worth a month of mine? Is it? Really? Somebody tell me honestly, yes, this is totally fair. You pissed off your mother and wasted less than thirty minutes of her precious time. So, of course you deserve a month of no anime. 
Somebody, please, please tell me this is reasonable
So I can hurry up and check myself into a mental hospital.
This isn't fair, is it? 
Is it?

Yes, I admit, I should have tried to print it earlier, that I shouldn't have just put it off and forgotten about it until the morning it was due.
I get it, ok?
I'm not an idiot.
But is this tiny bit of negligence really worth a month? 

It's not even the fact that I'll have no anime for a month. I can live with that. I mean, I'm more afraid that if I stay away from anime too long, I might never go back.
But it's the principle of the thing. 
A whole month? Just for that?
She seems to like doing it a lot, so it must make sense.
Am I just going insane here? 

And today, my brother was in a really crappy mood as well.
I really have no idea why. He's always set off by the stupidest things.
He came into the car, and kept talking and talking and talking, despite the tension in the air from me sitting beside my mother and knawing off my lip and trying not to smash my head into the window. And he came up with these ludicrous reasons for seeing "hallucinations" that seem to often invade his vision. (You're playing too many video games, idiot. Quit watching stupid YouTube videos. I promise, they'll go away real soon) 

So then my mother interrupted him, telling him to clean his room, since he'd be more likely to see things if his room's messy. And then my bro got all pissed off, muttering about how "This is why I always talk in mumbles, cuz you care so little about what I have to say that you keep interrupting me! If you don't care, why should I talk at all.... *mumble mumble mumble mumble mumble*.........."
Dude, if you care so much about what you're talking about, then ignore the fact that you've just been interrupted and keep talking. Every single other human being on this earth has seemed to have mastered that. So why don't you? And if you already realize that no one cares about the inane things that are incessantly spouting out of your damn mouth, then quit talking! Quit being such a hypocrite! (Yeah, yeah, not so convincing coming from me, but I'll openly admit that I'm a hypocrite, and surprisingly more hypocritical than others. Hey, don't judge. It's probably why you followed my blog. Not directly for my hypocrisies, but for the style of writing my hypocrisies generate. Feel free to deny, refuse, reject, refute and repudiate this as much as you want in the comments section :D)

And when he came into the apartment, he stomped into his room, probably disrupted the sleep of several dead folk sleeping feet below the ground (we're on the 1st floor, though I'm sure the people above us probably heard it, too) and then slammed the door hard enough to make the apartment shake and make me fear that the roof was about to topple down onto my head and crush the poor living daylights out of me.

Seriously, over being interrupted?


And this ends the part where I rant and rant and rant and rant and rant endlessly about how unreasonable my mother and brother are.
How many of you actually read that?
I'm guessing 0.
I'm hoping 0.
If you have time to be reading the complaints of a small, shallow existence like me, you really might want to rethink your life.

Okay, so maybe a lot of my posts do consist of much, much complaining, but still. 
I dunno, I was just in a really, really, really bad mood today.

And then Are-chan asked me to buy a Bankotsu keychain for her, and I was like "Aa, iya da, mendoku sai..." (Don't wanna, it's a pain)

But then she said she'd go to a con and buy all this Black Butler stuff and flaunt it in my face to torture me.
And so, being the totally not-self-controlled, hot-tempered, impulsive idiot I am, I shouted out, "OKAY OKAY I'LL BUY IT!!! QUIT BEING SO MEAN TO ME!!!!!!"
And she refused to apologize for being so mean to me.
"I'm still getting Bankotsu, so I'm not gonna apologize," she said.
But I don't know if my parents will let me buy it...
Aah, stupid printer!! WHY WHY WHY DID YOU HAVE TO RUIN MY DAY LIKE THIS?????????

It's all your fault anyway.

Mukyaa!! IT'S BACK!!!!

Quit making that weird sound.

What sound? Mukyaa?

Yes, that sound.

Oh... MUKYAA!!!!!!!!

Anyway, you cant't blame the printer for it. It was because of--



Yes! It's all because of the printer god!! He just HAD to make my printer NOT WORK and make my mother HELLA MAD AT ME for such a STUPID REASON!!!

Oi, quit acting like manga by DMP and putting emphasis on words. The readers'll do that in their head anyway. That just makes you look like an idiot.

Yes, I suppose. But it's very fun. You should try it
And I still say it's not my fault. Why does the Printer God hate me?

Oh, I can't imagine why. 

Fine, fine. I'll stop.

29 August 2010

Guaaaah, all of a sudden, I have eleven followers

I have 11 followers now.
How did that happen?
I mean, I was hoping I'd get an eleventh sooner or later, but that was fast o.o

Anyway, thank you, kelliannemarie, for choosing to follow my blog.
Why'd you do it?
Gah, it almost sounds like I'm asking why you killed someone...
Still, really.
Not that that's a bad thing, no--
That is a very good thing.
you may want to have your head checked...
If not now, you will probably need it later.

Anyway, thank you, thank you, thank you for following my blog. 
I hope you comment every now and then, maybe look back at older posts (but I wouldn't recommend it. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED) and... well... thank you.

You are a totally awesome person.
Just for following my blog, I say that. 


I had an odd dream last night.
Yes, very odd.

Most of you have heard me rant about Kuroshitsuji. It's a manga about a butler named Sebastian and is set in Victorian England. The second season of the anime started a while ago and it finally looks like it may start to have some kind of plot. (Yaay!!) 
(Go google it)

Anyway, for some reason, Sebby was in my dream.
But he wasn't even my butler.
He was the butler of a friend.
It was so sad.
And for some reason, Sebby was in love with my friend... (No, Sebby! You already have Ciel, you slut!) and I really, really, really wanted to tell him, "No! She's in love with Bankotsu!!" (Character from Inuyasha; she really is obsessed though. She was complaining to me about how her "daily dose of Bankotsu" was reduced... to every other day. Gasp! I know, right?) 

And it was so sad, and kind of amusing at the same time.
And there was a hotel, I think I was staying there with my family? 
And puppies.
There were these adorable puppies. I have no idea what breed, but they were adorable. And I hugged then and petted them and they were so adorable~
And Sebby carried me hime (princess) style three times in the dream! Three! It was wonderful~

But he still wasn't my butler. 
So I woke up feeling very, very sad and the opening for Kuro II was stuck in my head.
Aa, Sebastian... I wish you were real...
Only, don't eat my soul. Please. I mean it. 
You'll get sick. 

26 August 2010

I presented my bio-in-a-bag thingy in English today.
I should not have mentioned yaoi.
Now I see that.
I didn't think the teacher would ask me about it. Really, he asked me why Japan has so many obscene manga... and... well... yaoi... obscene?
I suppose...

But still.
Just because Americans only want to by crap filled with boobs and blood and meccas does NOT mean that all manga is like that!
Sure, many, many Japanese males seem to have a fetish for breasts, but still! 
It took a lot of my self-control to not argue with him.

"No, not all of it's obscene... I mean..."
"Why does Japan have so much obscene manga?"
"I'm telling you it's not all obscene! There are tons of great manga out there! Don't think that just because hentai manga gets all the media (cuz you can't make an exciting story about a thoughtful, provoking, "riveting" manga! No, no, no. We need to give the stuff of foreigners as bad a name as possible! Deep storyline, well-thought-out characters? Stereotypes are wrong? No! Hell, we made those stereotypes!) doesn't mean all manga is like that! Sure, American comics aren't like that, but comics are completely mindless! If you must compare it to something American, compare it to movies or novels at least! American comic does not equal Japanese comic! Cannot hope to equal Japanese comic! Is leagues and leagues and leagues away from Japanese comics! Would you compare some kids' show to the best movie you've ever seen? No!"
Etc. Etc.

But of course, I didn't say that, but still. I wanted to.
But it's not good form to get into a heated argument with a teacher, so I nodded meekly, said some kind of vague, diplomatic bullshit and returned to my seat. And since we had to decorate the bags, he put them up on a board at the back of the room.

The thing is...
I decorated two sides of the bag.
One side had some doodles, quotes from famous people, quotes from manga, etc, etc. Completely clean.
And on the other side, I wrote "yaoi yaoi yaoi yaoi yaoi yaoi" and in some places "801" or "seme~" or "uke~" stuff pertaining to yaoi.
    I even wrote the "yamete, oshiri ga itai!" (see last post) thing on there too! And on the bottom, I wrote "I LIKE MANGA ABOUT TWO GUYS FUCKING" in Japanese. 

Guess which side he decided to display?
A) the clean side! With death note and gintama references and quotes from famous people!
B) the yaoi side with yaoi written all over it and all this stuff normal people shouldn't be exposed to!
C) it ain't A

Yeah, he decided to pin up the yaoi in all its Boy Love glory! I told him he should flip it, but I don't know if he did. 

I just thought I'd report on how it went. 

But, seriously, what do teachers have against manga? Except my school's broadcast teacher, I don't think I've really met any who don't get that... that look when they hear "manga" or "anime"

You know, that look. The kind of patronizingly accepting look tinged with contempt and smugness. That "oh, Japanese comics stuff. Pfft." Or they get all surprised as if they're not sure what to say. And you can still tell they're thinking "Oh, Japanese comics. Pfft. Oh, but I better not let on I think lowly of them or else my student may get offended" and then they try using all these "nice" words to express how much disdain they hold for all things Japanese. 

Sorry, but it really gets on my nerves. 
I bet the manga god is very very sad when he goes to other countries. 
I'm sorry, manga gami!!! 

Actually, I bet there are many, many manga gami.
Like,  a yaoi gami (whose name is FuwaFuwa-sama) and there are also uke gami and seme gami.
and Shoujo gami. And shounen gami. And mecca gami. and H gami. And Hentai gami. and magical girl gami, and 4-koma gami. 

Now I feel like drawing them to see what they might look like...

And now, after wasting tens and tens of minutes reading this, you may go back to your day. :)

25 August 2010

Sometimes cliches are the only thing you can use. 〜止めてお尻が痛い〜

Our bio-in-a-bag assignment.
Three items.
I have the cover of one of my yaoi manga (I couldn't bring myself to use the other one, cuz I don't wanna lose it ><), some stamps from Canada, and a fountain pen. 

"I grew up in Canada and consider myself Canadian. 
I like to write and draw.
And about this cover...
It is the cover of a manga I have... and it's here because of two things. First, I am an OTAKU, meaning I like anime. I am also a fujoshi."

"What's a fujoshi?"

"Uh... er... someone... who likes... yaoi..."

"What's yaoi?"

"It's... part of a genre... called BL?"

"What does BL stand for?"

"Uh..." (Oh, shit!!) "See, it is a genre of girl's manga... and it stands for... B... Bu Love. Like, "bu" as in "no" for Chinese. See, cuz all manga marketed for girls is some kind of romance. Anything without romance tends to be marketed for guys, or but in a monthly edition of Jump... So, it's a way for shoujo manga artists to not put romance in their work... while still marketing... for... females..."

or maybe,

"...I'm a fujoshi, meaning I like yaoi. Spelt Y-A-O-I, but don't look it up. It'd be easiest to go to Wikipedia and search Yaoi. But, seriously, don't. Really. I beg of you, implore you, do not search this. Either you will forget all about this or this will linger at the back of your mind and haunt you as you try to figure out whether you want to know or not. And, trust me, you don't. Really. Unless you do :)"

I learned something new today, and about yaoi of all things.
YAOI stands for YAma nashi Ochi nashi Imi nashi, no plot, no climax, no meaning, which, really, is what a lot of yaoi, especially doujinshi, it seems, is. 

But there is an alternative acronym to that.

YAmete, Oshiri ga Itai.
Stop it, my butt hurts. 

And I really like that so I shall be using this from now on. :)

I love an anime called Tegami Bachi, or Letter Bee.
It is awesome.
And then one character disappears after chapter 2 (even though he is my favorite character!! And his name is Gauche Suede! Awesome name, non?) (well, I doubt any of you will read this, so I'll just go and spoil, kay?) and it turns out he lost his memory and turned into a marauder named Noir.


How cliched is that? Of all the names he could have adopted, why Noir?
And then I try to think of other names. 
I am not Gauche Suede. I am Blanc! Or I am Vert! Or I am Orange! 
He should have adopted the name Orange! (with a French accent, too!)
Gauche Suede does not exist anymore. I am Orange! 

And because I love Gauche so much, I've been trying to say "OH MY GAUCHE" instead of OMIGOD whenever I can, but I can never seem to find a place to say that.
It's so frustrating.


I really like a book called The Stranger by Albert Camus.
He was a French philosopher.
The main character's so... detached. Even worse than detached.
He kills a guy and when asked if he's sorry, he says he's more annoyed than sorry. 
And it's not really actiony or eventful... it's just... It has a nice, clean style, it's easy to read but every now and then it's kinda "Gasp! Revelation!"

And my dad likes the book too...
So my mother teased me about being like him (WHICH I AM NOT!!)
But I feel like you have to be a specific type of person to actually understand and like that book. 

I mean, if the average person my age reads it, I'm  guessing they'd say "Ok... so he's weird. So what?"

And it makes me think of the novel referred to many times in Book Girl and the Suicidal Mime.

No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai. 

I want to read it.
But apparently, reading the book makes you want to kill yourself...
But I still want to read it. The main character's like the one in The Stranger, only, I guess more to an extreme?

Cuz in No Longer Human, the main chara can't understand why people feel certain ways. No matter what he does, he can't feel happy or sad. Just, empty.
"Mine has been a life of shame. I am ashamed. Ashamed to be alive"
That kind of thing. 

And that does sound very depressing (I really don't know too much about the book, I'm only going from what was in Book Girl) but I really want to read it.

Does that make me depressing?

And when I asked my dad if it's a bad thing that I like The Stranger, he said it makes me old fashioned. -.-'

Whatever, I'm taking that as a compliment.

23 August 2010

Uwah, uwah, uwah... 10th follower?????

Yes, I know. Second post of the day. 

There is a good reason for it. 
My blogger dashboard said "10 followers"
I feel so happy! Double digits!!! Bwahahahaha!!!! 

Anyway, welcome to my blog, Jah Hucha. 
Ignoring that crazy laugh, I'll repeat the stick around, comment every now and then to let me know that you're there, yadda, yadda.

But, seriously, you might want to get your mental health checked.
My blog?

Gah, that is not to say that you should, "unfollow", of course... it's just... Wow.
Ten people.
Ten people are crazy enough to click "follow" on my blog. Just... Just wow.
wow wow wow wow wow.

Oh, wow.
10 is also the grade I'm in.

Amusing, isn't it? I get a 10th follower the day I start 10th grade. 

*Please excuse me while I go and rant to myself* 

POST # 200!!

Back-to-school special! 
Today, I returned to the darkest, cruelest depths of the abyss.
I went to hell and then I came back.

And then I'll go again!

Yeah, so, school sucked.

(Egad! No!! School?? But all the excitement! And the newness and the totally not-suckish-ness!)

Anyway, my schedule was so sad.
I had a good friend in 1, count 'em (it) ONE class. 

I start the day with Algebra 2. How nice. Friends? None. People I know? Yeah, but I either don't talk to them or I don't like them. 

And then French 3. Same teacher as last year (What the heck are you saying??? SOMEONE GIVE ME SUBTITLES!!) and a lot of the class were in my class last year. There was one person I found myself able to talk to, but not really a friend.

And then I have PE for third.... again. Hello, D-lunch. Again.
Hello, starvation and pointless stretches. Again.
I knew exactly one person in that class, and she was only an acquaintance .
PE is like, a million people squeezed into a gym!! HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN???

Fourth was Business. They wrote it BUS INFO on the schedule.
"What is that? Bus... Info?"
Yeah, my life's dream is to be a bus driver for a ****ed-up place like HISD.

Fifth was Newspaper. But then they changed the name to Professional Communications. And then Print Arts. And then they settled on Graphic Design. Make up you mind, will you??? Jeez...

Sixth was biology. Again, no friends or acquaintances. I knew a few people by name/face only. How sad. 

Seventh was English. I had one friend! Yes! I usually call her Dousei na Yatsu, but let's change that to the new nickname I gave her, Are-chan. As in "Ah-reh" not, "arr". It kinda sounds like her name, but it can also mean "it", now that I think about it.... And she's buying me ice cream tomorrow!! Ufufufufufufufu~

Eighth was World History. How fun. I knew, like, two people, but one not very well, and the other I don't like very much.

So, this is my awesome, awesome, awesome schedule that just proves the god of schools and education is an ass. He hates me, I swear. 

But! I have a friend in english! Well, half the class was in my class last year. And my english teacher is also my homeroom teacher.

Speaking of homeroom, it was filled with people I can't get along with, again.
Someone help me.
Please let next year be better...

There was a surprising amount of people today. One of my senior friends (Dang, a lot of my friends are seniors now...) said there are more than last year. 

And, even though I'm a sophomore now, I don't feel like anything's changed.


No way I'm gonna be nice enough to end the post there.
And I'm done with the bitching.  :)

I finally got igoogle to work on my computer. I used to have it as my homepage, but then it was all "MALWARE WARNING!!!!!!!" 

But it worked on Firefox. But I always use Safari, and I don't really like Firefox that much anymore...

But there was one gadget on there and on firefox, it said something was wrong with it. So I got rid of it. and then


IT WORKS!!!!!! 

So, yeah, my homepage is back to igoogle and not my email anymore.
For some reason, I feel very.... triumphant. :)


I was looking at quotes yesterday, and I was thinking.

Sometimes, you kind of feel like the value of a quote lies really in who said it. Douglas Adams said, (or wrote) "Live and learn. At any rate, live!" Would that still be funny said in that awful monotone by your horrid history teacher? Is a quote bad just because an evil person said it?

What if Stalin had said "All men are created equal" and, oh, I don't know, Thomas Jefferson said, "One death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic."

Both, really, are true. I'll try to be nice and optimistic here, and agree that all men are create equal. 

Would changing who said something affect how people look at the quote? 


Last night, I remembered a bunch of old, kinda funny (corny?) commercials from when I was a kid.

I remember the Juicy Fruit one featured a guy singing with a guitar about Juicy Fruit, and they'd always be trying to get rid of him.

and then there was that trident gum one, where they put that filling inside the gum. The commercial was of a bunch of people standing at a bus stop, and then this guy in a swimsuit (as in the kinda scary triangular ones) walks up, and people stare at him, because, well, wearing a swimsuit at a bus stop not located near a beach is weird. And then he chews on some gum, and then this wave of water crashes over them.

I remember I used to like Geico commercials. The gecko was just so adorable. But then they kept doing the "it's so easy, a caveman can do it!" thing, and it was so annoying. You know what? This commercial looks like a caveman wrote it. 

And I find the Comcast commercials for all the HD they have very idiotic. "The HD war is over" or whatever. 

I feel like American commercials are just stupid. They're awful. 
And they only seem to get worse during the Super Bowl. 
There are some Japanese commercials that are adorable. 
I like some Korean ones, too. The ones where they have cartoon graphics. And even if it's not even drawn to be cute, they're just adorable. I don't know why. 

But for the most part I hate commercials. 
You know, in Korea, there's a ban on commercials during a program. 
Doesn't that sound often?
And then you guys think it's wasted on them, cuz Korean TV is just... so... You know...
But I like Korean TV. I find it amusing. I'm sorry, but I do.


I remember it was pretty safe in Canada.
(Well, duh, it's Canada.)
And we didn't really lock our doors unless we went out. 
And then we came here.
I wasn't used to locking doors, so my parents would always shout at me for not locking them. 

Now, it's my habit to lock the door as soon as I get inside. When did that happen?

I know this isn't really of much consequence, but it's kind of... odd, y'know? I grew up not locking doors, I move and in a few years, locking the door is just a natural thing. 

And outside the window, it's raining. It's so gray and depressing. 

(By the way, you'll have noticed I changed my blog, again. If you like it, then please say. So. If you don't, go ahead and say so. My readers from when I started will know that I tend to change things around a lot. You get used to it. Probably. Maybe. That'd be nice, wouldn't it?)

22 August 2010

Damnit, Damnit, Damnit, Damnit, Damnit, Damnit, Damnit, Damnit.

Today is Sunday.
August 22, 2010. 
Aah, cursed, cursed day. 
And the morrow, ahh, how all the more cursed it shall be. 


Hey, don't laugh at my attempt at writing poetically!

This is the whole point of me being here. If I don't laugh at you, I lose my job.

What "job"? You're there t make sure there's some laughter whenever I make a joke!

But all it does is cause more embarrassment for you.

Will you--
You know what? 
Never mind.
Laugh all you want.



Done yet?


Anyway, I--

Ok, I'm done. :D

School starts tomorrow.
I even slept at 11 yesterday instead of sometime past midnight, and yet, I still woke up at 11. 
Will I have to sleep at 7 during the school year? Is that what you're trying to tell me???

Why can't school start in September? 
School starts in the fall. September is f***ing fall, August is f***ing summer

Tomorrow, this poor, poor, poor soul shall die.
Meaning you'll have one less awesome blog to follow!!
Or maybe not. 
But still. 

School should start next week.
Better yet, not at all.

This is Post #199.
Meaning, tomorrow, post 200 (meaning, if I survive or am not comatose and am able to write it) shall be a Back to School Special!!
Isn't that GREAT???


I haven't been working on the webcomic since the last time I wrote about it.
Suddenly, I wonder. Is it even any good?

Now you start thinking about that???

I mean, would it be better if I just did your regular slice-of-life, oh so cliched slapstick?
I could do it, and easily.
Using *laugh* guy, smart/cold one and myself as the main characters, we could go to this imaginary school in my head where the principal's insane, and all this crap. 

Would you guys rather read that?

Slice-of-life or weird-take-on-historical-patterns-of-a-revolution-or-other-big-change-done-by-the-knowledge-of-the-top-of-the-head-of-an-odd-teenage-girl? (ooh, gives me another idea for the latter!!!)

Really, either's fine. I have a few chapters done of the Revolt one, and I could to the sol (slice-of-life) one really quickly. 

So, you readers choose! 

(Last time I asked you to choose something, though, only 1, as in one, single, solitary, kind-hearted reader bothered to comment. *glares at the rest of them*)

Anon-san hasn't posted a comment in a while.
The others don't really comment, and I wonder if they even read...
And the only other potential commenter (looking at *YOU*, Indigo) was busy being an idiot and not reading my blog, heck, not doing a lot of things, and is now working on her art homework, I assume.

When you finally do read, this, WHY AREN'T YOU READING MORE OFTEN????? YOU SHOULD PRIORITIZE MORE, YOU BAKA!!! DO YOUR HOMEWORK FIRST SO THAT YOU HAVE TIME TO DO OTHER STUFF!!! (like reading my blog. It can't take more than an hour of your time. That's no time at all nowadays. Actually, nowadays, that's really a lot of time, but think of how many hours and hours and hours you've lived already! With drawing, an hour is nothing. An hour is a moderately detailed doodle, or the layout and first sketch of a painting.) 

^.^   o.o   -.-'   :D   D:   X(   >:O   =3=   ;P   CCCC>

I shall now go make character designs for *laugh* guy and smart/cold one. 
(I'm only using them cuz I'm too lazy to think of something original. They're good enough. I just need faces and heights for them Bwahahahaha.) (smart/cold one's still probably my height, eh?) (and I think I'll redesign my character. Or maybe not. I'll try to draw her better!)



I hadn't planned for this post to be this bad.

All your posts are bad. 
They're so bad, and so consistently bad, it makes us wonder if it's intentional.

Guaah, why are you bothering me again???

I got less text than *laugh* guy. 
I'm the one with an actual personality!

Oi, I got tons of personality! What kinds of personalities would take a job like this???

Are you so desperate for something to do, some recognition?

Okay, before this gets out of hand--

Oi, you didn't even let me reply!

Shut up.

You stay out of this! 
Hey, what's with that "I'm only using *laugh* guy and smart/cold one cuz I'm too lazy to think of something original"???? What do you think we are???
Hell, who do you think you are???

Wha, bu.... what...... 
How did you know I wrote that??

It's all up there, in black and white. And if we're part of you, of course we know. Idiot.
But, he's right (for once).

What's with that "for once"?! 

What are we, expendable characters for you to use at your discretion? We have feelings, too, you know!!
*door slams*

Uwah, Fuyuko has feelings?

Yeah, you're the one who was stupid enough to give us real personalities, anyway.

Mukyaa! Why're you being so mean?

If she's not here, it means I can be sarcastic and mean to you now! 

They're evil. Evil, I tell ya!!


Uh, y'know, I'd run if I were you.

Ugyah, what was that sound???
Uh, anyway, let's end the post here, while I go hide... somewhere hidden and not get killed! Bye!

- - -- - -- - - - - - 
What was that?

She heard your chainsaw and thought you were out to kill her.

Oh, please.
While I've considered it...

Then what was that noise?

Do you really wanna know?

Uh, you know what? No, thanks!