I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
-Marshall McLuhan

26 August 2010

I presented my bio-in-a-bag thingy in English today.
I should not have mentioned yaoi.
Now I see that.
I didn't think the teacher would ask me about it. Really, he asked me why Japan has so many obscene manga... and... well... yaoi... obscene?
I suppose...

But still.
Just because Americans only want to by crap filled with boobs and blood and meccas does NOT mean that all manga is like that!
Sure, many, many Japanese males seem to have a fetish for breasts, but still! 
It took a lot of my self-control to not argue with him.

"No, not all of it's obscene... I mean..."
"Why does Japan have so much obscene manga?"
"I'm telling you it's not all obscene! There are tons of great manga out there! Don't think that just because hentai manga gets all the media (cuz you can't make an exciting story about a thoughtful, provoking, "riveting" manga! No, no, no. We need to give the stuff of foreigners as bad a name as possible! Deep storyline, well-thought-out characters? Stereotypes are wrong? No! Hell, we made those stereotypes!) doesn't mean all manga is like that! Sure, American comics aren't like that, but comics are completely mindless! If you must compare it to something American, compare it to movies or novels at least! American comic does not equal Japanese comic! Cannot hope to equal Japanese comic! Is leagues and leagues and leagues away from Japanese comics! Would you compare some kids' show to the best movie you've ever seen? No!"
Etc. Etc.

But of course, I didn't say that, but still. I wanted to.
But it's not good form to get into a heated argument with a teacher, so I nodded meekly, said some kind of vague, diplomatic bullshit and returned to my seat. And since we had to decorate the bags, he put them up on a board at the back of the room.

The thing is...
I decorated two sides of the bag.
One side had some doodles, quotes from famous people, quotes from manga, etc, etc. Completely clean.
And on the other side, I wrote "yaoi yaoi yaoi yaoi yaoi yaoi" and in some places "801" or "seme~" or "uke~" stuff pertaining to yaoi.
    I even wrote the "yamete, oshiri ga itai!" (see last post) thing on there too! And on the bottom, I wrote "I LIKE MANGA ABOUT TWO GUYS FUCKING" in Japanese. 

Guess which side he decided to display?
A) the clean side! With death note and gintama references and quotes from famous people!
B) the yaoi side with yaoi written all over it and all this stuff normal people shouldn't be exposed to!
C) it ain't A

Yeah, he decided to pin up the yaoi in all its Boy Love glory! I told him he should flip it, but I don't know if he did. 

I just thought I'd report on how it went. 

But, seriously, what do teachers have against manga? Except my school's broadcast teacher, I don't think I've really met any who don't get that... that look when they hear "manga" or "anime"

You know, that look. The kind of patronizingly accepting look tinged with contempt and smugness. That "oh, Japanese comics stuff. Pfft." Or they get all surprised as if they're not sure what to say. And you can still tell they're thinking "Oh, Japanese comics. Pfft. Oh, but I better not let on I think lowly of them or else my student may get offended" and then they try using all these "nice" words to express how much disdain they hold for all things Japanese. 

Sorry, but it really gets on my nerves. 
I bet the manga god is very very sad when he goes to other countries. 
I'm sorry, manga gami!!! 

Actually, I bet there are many, many manga gami.
Like,  a yaoi gami (whose name is FuwaFuwa-sama) and there are also uke gami and seme gami.
and Shoujo gami. And shounen gami. And mecca gami. and H gami. And Hentai gami. and magical girl gami, and 4-koma gami. 

Now I feel like drawing them to see what they might look like...

And now, after wasting tens and tens of minutes reading this, you may go back to your day. :)

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