I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
-Marshall McLuhan

09 February 2013

Oh, Golly

It seems I've been neglecting my blog for several months now. I sort of... felt bad, so here I am once again. I don't really have an excuse, this blog just sort of slipped my mind or I didn't feel like writing or a million other dumb reasons. I can't even say tumblr is taking up all my time, because it wasn't. It was (is) occupying an unhealthy amount of my time, but an unhealthy amount of time is also spent lazing about and agonizing over what to do because I'm sooo booored. 

Tumblr's been pretty bad for me, though. Ignoring the negativity, obsession and idiot fangirls (shh), it's essentially become a place where I can reblog pretty pictures and where a simple "asdfghjkl"is enough to express the most complex of feels. So I don't put any effort into writing out my thoughts anymore. I mean, judging from the quality (or lack thereof) of this blog, I didn't but much effort into writing out my thoughts in the first place, but some places are lower than others and some of those places I just don't need to be. 

I don't actually have anything to say. This is my third time trying to write some sort of blog post. I didn't post anywhere near regularly before, but I think I've fallen out of the habit. I just don't know how to write a blog post anymore. Not that I did in the first place, but I was able to pretend I knew how, and now I'm not able to even pretend. Gaah. 

I think this is the point where I usually do a page break and change topics completely. I don't think I'm actually supposed to do that. I think I'm supposed to stick to one topic and keep writing about it til I have nothing, and then I stop and I go to another topic in the next post. So I guess for today I'll just keep talking about how blogging is hard.

And it really shouldn't be. I write, I think (sometimes). So it should be pretty simple to think, and then write about it, but no. Writing's hard. Thinking's hard. And everything's just hard and it makes you wanna give up. God now I'm supposed to say something encouraging. Uh... even if it makes you want to give up... don't? I mean, I was never one for motivational speaking. For one thing, it pisses me off. For another, I, personally, don't find it necessary. Which is why it pisses me off. But a lot of things piss me off, so maybe that doesn't mean anything. 

Anyway, I constantly say I'm a cynic (and I'm often told I am), but I'm not a pessimist. I sincerely believe that. Most people don't, but I don't care about them. I think that not giving up is obvious. There's no point to anything, but if you just take it and give up, then you're, I dunno, validating the pointlessness of everything, and then what point is there to you? And don't bother other people about it. You shut up and take your shit and let other people shut up and take their shit. 

God, that sounded bad, but uh, anyway. Yeah, I guess that's my message for today. Shut up and take your shit. Meanwhile, I'll be in the corner trying to do the same.


A bit of shameless self-promotion before I go. 

I have an art blog and a writing blog now. Both are pretty empty because I created them fairly recently and because I suck and creating is hard. But I created this blog post! 

Also, I really hate exclamation points. Apparently, I loved them in 09. Oh, how people change. 

Seriously, though, what was up with freshman me? 

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