Before I start, I'd like to say that I feel like I went through a slightly manic phase yesterday. I'm not going to panic and think I have manic/depressive disorder, because I'm probably perfectly fine. It was a bit worrying, though, because I feel as if I went crazy last night. Perhaps I did.
During the past few weeks of school, I'd spent a lot of time folding chains of paper cranes. I made a few hundred of them, and for some reason, last night, I went and attached all the little chains to make a big chain and hung it up in a corner of my room. When I woke up this morning, the chain had broken in the middle and it struck me how dumb it looked to be hanging there. When my father had first come in and saw it, he laughed at me. So he took it down.
And then I dug through that box I described yesterday and watched that video montage from my elementary school graduation. Why the hell would I need to watch that again? Jeez.
And, finally, a few hours after that, I decided to go through my old sketchbooks and stuff and redraw every single piece I was proud of to see how much I've improved. I mean, people do this all the time, but what in Deep Thought's name (no one's gonna get that reference, you nerd) was I thinking, wanting to redraw every single one?
Obviously, it only took til halfway through the second one that I began hating myself and had to stop. At that point it was 5 in the morning, and I was forced to wake up at 8, and I saw the patheticness of the paper cranes and so today hasn't had the greatest start.
I only had a small thing to say today. For my final, I had to do a presentation for one of my classes. The topic was euthanasia, and I had to discuss its morality from three angles. At the end, my teacher commented that it was getting harder to die. Which, it really is. People live to be over 100 nowadays. Not 50 years ago, it was about 60.
Anyway, I was thinking that with further advances in medical science, people might be able to live for 500, 600, maybe even thousands of years. The whole point of reproduction is to keep the species from dying off, and we're always going to need new people to produce and consume things for our society to function. You've seen how the body begins to fail when one turns 60, or even earlier.
What I'm driving at is, at some point, in the distant future, people would be able to live for, maybe, thousands of years. They're probably going to spend a couple centuries unable to function well. At some point, someone, possibly the government, is going to have to decide on cutoff point. People need to die. It's necessary, again, for our society to function. So there will likely be a time when there is a limit to how long people are allowed to live.
But considering the general attitude toward death, that it's a very, very, very, very bad thing that must be avoided as long as possible, and the fact that people in power probably won't want to die, and they're going to be the ones the government listens to, there might actually be protests where the central argument is the right to die. You get all these activists all up in arms about the sanctity of life, so at some point the right to die has got to become equally prevalent in the world.
It's always interesting to try to think of where the world will go from here.
If you think I'm a wackjob for thinking that humans would ever be able to live that long, think I'm a wackjob for thinking the "right to die" is a thing (it totally is), or if you have any crazy ideas about the future (or if you think I'm a wackjob, period), then go ahead and comment! Because it gets lonely over here on the internet.
That sounds like a seriously freaking awesome research topic. Why couldn't we have done something like that for senior projects?!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, yea, I totally agree with you - there comes a point when it isn't sustainable for the earth to have everyone live for 200 years - there's a reason we die, after all.
And anyway, who would want to live that long, aside from power hungry maniacs? I imagine that by the time I'm 95 or 100, if I live that long, I won't mind dying. Sure, it'd be fun to see crazy new inventions - but you still have to live through every single day to get there and after 100 years - you know, I can't even imagine living *that* long.
Stress, etc. can do that to people. And you were thinking about forgetting people (when you wrote your blog) and that's a distressing thought - I had to have a good long sob session the night after I graduated to let it all out, so I wouldn't be surprised if you were just trying to distract yourself with redrawing all your work.
Anyway, you're not a wackjob any more than I am (so comforting, I know.), I support the right to die, and again sorry for not commenting on your last few posts. Graduation isn't really a good excuse for not taking a few minutes out of my day to comment. xP
Really interesting stuff, it makes you think!!!