I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
-Marshall McLuhan

23 December 2010

Explosions OR I should've done air guitar

I had a very weird dream...

First off, the bathroom at Denny's was really, really, really, really awesome. So awesome, I felt bad using the toilets for what they were built for. But they were super awesome!

Anyway, secondly, one staff member in my school's newspaper went on a rampage and a car made a small explosion and a poor kid got hurt. Only one arm was hurt, though! Though my dream made it look very graphic... -.-''

I woke up when I was calling 911 and trying to figure out where I was. 
I woke up, my heart was pounding, and I was cursing myself for still being sucky with addresses. 

And I must have been really jumpy cuz of that dream cuz when my grandmother came out of my bro's room (did I mention that they're here? Cuz I don't remember.) I screamed (as in literally screamed, and with the facial expression of a kid on a rollercoaster) and fell to the floor and nearly cried.


I think I may have had that dream because that day, I'd read this.
If you're going into surgery soon, don't read it. Please.


A few days ago, I remembered how in 6th grade, an acting troupe came to our school and put on The Frog Prince.

They came once a year, and well-behaved kids would be chosen from the upper grades to help with props or play minor roles, and I was usually just a set-up person, but that year, a friend and I were chosen to play minor roles.

We were guards and were in the scene where the frog confronts the king about the princess's promise. Our lines consisted of saying, once they affirmed what was promised (A kiss. A kiss? A kiss. A kiss.), "Ew! Gross!"

And then the frog would start singing and the guards had to dance.
I don't remember what I did (apparently, I looked like an idiot), but now I know what I should have done.

I should have used the pole thingy I was holding... and done air guitar. Aah, to think it'd only come to me now.

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