I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
-Marshall McLuhan

10 November 2010

I have been unfaithful OR Well, this isn't as scary as I thought

I have been unfaithful.
Plus I haven't posted in like, forever, and I promised to stop deleting posts, but then I decided, "screw this" and so a bunch of posts went half-written and never to see the light of my awful, awful blog.


It is November.
Meaning it's time for National Novel Writing Month.
And I have written....
0 words. 0. None. Nada. 
And I don't even care. It makes me so sad, but I just haven't felt like just writing... 


And the little cartoony image in my head for this is of a person leaning against that geyser in Yellowstone (and, cuz this is in my head, that person is somehow able to lean on a geyser)
And the person says, "Y'know, maybe after a while, it goes from Old Faithful to just... Old."

And the geyser shoots steam in disapproval.


I went to the eye doctor. Well, that implies that's there's only one in the world, so I went to AN eye doctor. The places I usually go to didn't accept appointments after school hours or something so we went to this little place called Envision Eye Care, which I never knew even existed until this day, which is just right of the Randall's that's near my apartment. 

And, my sight has gotten a bit worse, of course. I need to make sure I don't spend too much time on the computer.

And when I was reading the letters/numbers off the little thing, the doc asked, "Hey, are you Canadian?" Cuz I said "zed" instead of "zee" without thinking. It was quite surprising. Any time I say that, people are like "huh?" "zed." "huh???" "ZED!" "????" "Zee." "Oh. Then why didn't you say so?"
          A couple years ago, my GT Research class took part in the Stock Market game and our username had two Z's in it, and when I was telling one of my partners what it was, I said, "Zed, zed.. (numbers here)" 
And she typed out "zed" instead of just Z. 

And I digress.
Anyway, I also tried out contact lenses... and it was very scary. O.O Intentionally putting a foreign object in your eye... >< Aaaand I have really, really small eyes. (No, duh.) But because my eyes are so small. I had trouble putting them in. And I kept forgetting how thin they are so I was afraid to pinch them when I was taking them out cuz I was afraid they'd break. ><

Buuut, I'm wearing them now! And it's so liberating. I can see. Without my glasses! Crazy, right? And I need to check back with them in a week to see how I've adjusted to them. But these contacts are big, and expensive... but they're surprisingly comfortable. I can't even feel them. This has been very enlightening for me. 


At school, I've started hanging around people I dubbed the Scary People a lot this year.
They were very scary last year, cuz they're so loud and insane and so loudly dressed........ But it turns out quite a few of them... ARE FUJOSHI! 

And just so I can pull one of them (the Japanese Club's fuku-banchou (or, vice gang leader)) deeper into yaoi-ness, I've started called yaoi enlightenment. Aah, it'd be awesome if I could found a religion based on yaoi~

And that's what I call it now. 
So whenever I say anything about Enlightenment, I'm likely talking about yaoi.

And it turns out I really haven't gone very deep into yaoi, because I've yet to find one where the seme is shorter than the uke. But I have friends who found some like that. But wouldn't that be very awkward?

And to get that taste of yaoi out of my darling readers' mouths, I shall end with something very sarcastic.

My Algebra teacher likes to say a calculator should be a tool, not a crutch.
And of course.
A calculator's a bit too small to use as a crutch, n'est-ce pas? 

Yeah, I know that was lame, but it made you forget about yaoi, right?
You know, until I brought it up again. :D

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