I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
-Marshall McLuhan

01 October 2010

We're all Social Failures

Wow, I'm surprised someone actually read my last post...

And I think we're all social failures here.
Well, I don't know about a lot of my followers (who may or may not actually read this blog... mind dropping  a comment so I know you exist? So that that 10 FOLLOWERS thing on my blog dashboard can be proven to not be an illusion derived from my feelings of desolation at being unheard?) but I know that there are quite a few people here who ARE social failures! (looking at you, Indigo, Devan Moss. Though they probably don't read this thing anymore. High school's so busy... It's so depressing...) 

And the fact that you're a social failure means nothing! Normal people say "well, I'm  shy around people I don't know, and I'm really loud around my friends!" or something similarly cliched.

As for moi?
I'm kind and quiet to people I don't know, and I'm abusive to my friends! The meaner I am to you, the more I cherish your friendship!
Or I may just genuinely hate you and wish that you'd just go away.
But no one takes what I say seriously. Sure, (almost) every mean thing I say, I don't mean. But then when I'm serious, no one takes me seriously. 
And I'm actually a very crass and unrefined individual. (In case you couldn't tell.)

Anyway, I think all humans are pretty much social failures in one way or other. Humans are social creatures and like being around other humans, but at the same time, they do their utmost to make the others miserable so that they may feel like they are at the top of the chain even temporarily.

Do I sound resentful here?
Cuz I am.
But I do this all the time. Whatevs. 

I finally discovered the name of those videos when someone fools you into watching it, but then it ends up being "Never Gonna Give You Up" with something stupid playing in the background.


I actually like the song, though. I mean, the guy has something wrong with his voice, but I think it's a nice song. And I don't hang around YouTube that much so I haven't been assaulted by it enough to hate it.

It's been stuck in my head all day.

"I~~ just wanna tell you how I'm feelin'~
Try t'make you understand 
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down..."

etc, etc

Ha, I just rickrolled you through writing.
No, not funny? I thought not.

Also, wouldn't a movie about facebook be so boring? It seems so pointless. I saw an ad for it in the Arts section of the NY Times today.

Doesn't that just sound pointless, though? 
Oh, wow, let's do a movie about the guy... who started facebook!

I mean, think about it, if facebook had been started in UT or something, would it have become a big thing?
Hell no!

Who the hell even thought that up, anyway?

And there's apparently gonna be a nickelodeon cartoon series about those characters they made up for sketcher's commercials. It makes me wonder if writers went on strike again... you know, just quietly.

I've been editing my webcomic on photoshop.
I meant to just do a bit of minor editing and putting in the dialogue, but now I'm spending about an hour on each page. 
Meaning it's gonna come out looking awesome!
But, really, the only thing I can do well is hair... and the hair looks awesome, so we can stare and gape at the nicely-haired, pretty individuals trying to start a revolution and laugh at my horrendous art and comic together. :)

I'm about... a fourth... less than... a fourth done with the first chapter.
I think I'll finish chapter one, do two pages every time, and continue it like that.
So basically, the first page of chapter one is just a japanese word pun, so I left it in Japanese. Sorry. I'll explain it at the bottom and you can try to make sense of it! ><

Oh, I decided to keep it where you read right to left. Terribly sorry, but that's how I drew it, and I'm too lazy to go and flip it. So ha. 
Again, I'm very sorry.

I kind of ran out of anything clever to say, so I guess I'll just... end it here. :)
Jya, mata ne! 

1 comment:

  1. Yea, we're all social failures...just some more than others. :P

    w00t I've been rickrolled through writing, yayz! :) I dunno what's so horrible about the song either, lol

    And hey, no need to be sorry. If that's the way you drew it, why go to more work to change it? :)

    clever is as clever does, so don't worry about it :D

    (was I heavy on the emotes today or what??)
