I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
-Marshall McLuhan

01 September 2010

In which I... do nothing, really... Just more long-winded ramblings... -.-

Oh, wow, September already...
Almost over.
And then it'll be Thursday.
And then Friday
and then the weekend!!!!!!!

And then monday and I have to go back to hel-- school again.

I decided to use a planner for school there are so many assignments and due dates and deadlines. It has a section for internet resources, geography, and science/math. I kinda wish it had an address book as well, but ah well.
And in the front, for personal information, under "address" of school, I wrote Hell.
Yeah, not particularly creative, but it's sarcastic, and I bet at least one of you laughed. (You did, right? Right?)

In the science section, there's a guide for the human skeleton. And the thing's resting on a shovel. It kinda makes me think... Wow... did it just... dig itself out of its own grave? o.o

I really don't know why I decided to post... but last month, I was one post away from beating  the record for most posts this year, 16, in June, And in August. And the post that would have pushed me over somehow wasn't published...I clicked the button, I know I did. But it still came up under "draft"

Cuz I didn't feel like publishing it after so much time, I deleted it.
There was nothing important in there anyway, just more inconsequential rambling.
I think.
I'm really not sure.
It was pretty old, so I just deleted it without really looking at it.. o.o

Anyway, my all time record is for December of 09. 29 posts, meaning I posted every day except for two days. Ahahaha.
But that doesn't mean I'd just go and do three posts a day to make a record. 
No, my posts much have a point!

But then you just rendered your entire blog as unworthy of being posted.

Shut up. 

And in April of 09, I only did one post.

So, I guess this post somehow turned into me rambling about how many times I post a month?

On average, I post nine times a month.
Actually, my calculator said 9.363636363636364 but you get what I mean.
I say nine because, well, you can't have half a post.

Au contraire!

Great, now he's using French. (By the way, I've been trying to find Death Note subbed in French, but I cannot find it anywhere. Light's laugh in the French version sounds so... guah...) 

Anyway, you can't possibly be trying to tell us that every bit pointless drivel you force down your reader's throats can actually count as a real, proper post, can you? They could only count as a third of a post at best. Don't be so cocky, you third-rate writer!!

Aw, listen to that harsh, unforgiving tone! I'm so proud!
Don't steal my role!!

*Ahem*, before the two of you start bickering like children--

Shut up! You are a child! You're more childish than the imaginary friends you made up to make this blog more interesting! 


*long moment of silence as the shock settles in*
He... he just...

HE JUST TOLD ME TO SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cries*

Look what you did! You made it cry! 

Huh?! What?! No! It's not my fault! I didn't do anything to it!!

And now they're calling me "it"!!!!! 

Oh, the pain one feels when one's own creations turn on one!!
Oh, the pain! The sadness! 

Oh, suck it up. 
Be a man! 
But first, you might want to first be a human!

That was almost cheesy.
but it still hurt.
That's right! It hurts right here!
*thumps chest*

Readers, am I scaring you? 
I hope I'm not.
Though, I've probably scared you enough already...
So you should be used to it!
Except for my newest followers.
They are not yet immune.
There is time to train them...

Just kidding!

Or am I?? *dramatic bulgy-eyed look* *lightening*


Oh, wow, I wrote this much already...

Oh, yeah! 
I finished reading The Stranger by Albert Camus! 
And, it turns out, it does have the word "absurd" in there.
But once.
Only once.
'Tis forgivable, cuz it's still an awesome book. 

And I think I'm going to read it next year (I'm in 10th grade now)
Cuz a senior (I'm assuming she's a senior. She asked if she could call me Asian Girl. I said. I am indeed Asian, and last time I checked, I am a girl. But I probably won't respond. There are lots of Asian girls in this world) asked me if I was a junior when she saw that I had that book.

"No," I said in a flat tone.

"Then why're you reading this?"

Her loud outburst makes me taken aback. "Uh... it's a good book...?" I answer nervously, hoping that in answering, some huge foreign object would not come falling out of the sky and crush me where I stood. (Unless it was a magical huge foreign object that could magically GIVE ME MY OLD SCHEDULE BACK!!! I HATE MY SCHOOL!!! IF ANYTHING SHOULD BE CRUSHD BY A HUGE OBJECT, IT SHOULD BE THAT SCHOOL!!!!!! And yes, I am very aware that almost every other high schooler thinks the same. But, hey, it's within my rights. Freedom of speech. First Amendment. It is in my right to bitch as much as I want about a topic as inane as I want. So ha. Take that.) 

Why are you being so unreasonable?

Shut up. I've been in a bad mood since yesterday.

Noo! Really? I could never have guessed!!

Look what you did! He's all sarcastic now!! YOU WENT AND BROKE *LAUGH* GUY!!!

Oh, shut up. He's always been sarcastic. That's his job, to sarcastically play recorded laughter at all your lame jokes.

Shut up.

Anyway, another senior told me that she read it last year for English. And they had to annotate it.
But I ain't writing in that book! The thing's for reading, not for writing on! That's what notebooks and blackboards (who the hell uses those anymore?) (shut up, me) and walls are for!

But since we got it at Half Price Books, there already were a few markings on it.
There weren't that many, so it was fine.

Heh, and I wrote even more on nothing.
It's almost amazing.
I click "new post" on my blogger dashboard and I start typing something, i digress from whatever the hell I'd wanted to talk about, even before I was anywhere near making my point, and then I remember something, and then I keep typing and typing and typing and typing, and voila!

A post! 

Ohh, it's long! I'll publish it! 

And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is how I write a post for this blog.

As you see, no thought goes into these things whatsoever.
Even if I'm writing a narrative, they're all kind of mindless.

(and after finishing the Stranger, I kinda felt like the book was pointless... It was... is a very nice book, but just... kinda... pointless....) 

But I like things that are mindless. Cynical and a bit mindless. I like that. 

Where did "the only cure for stupidity is death" come from? I rather like that quote. (rather?) Shut up. 

But I think it's true. 
I am an idiot.
I have always been an idiot.
I will always be an idiot.
Hopefully, though, when I die, I will be less of an idiot so less people will make fun of me.

Wow, this is one of the longest posts I've written in a while.

How many of you guys actually read all this? 
It kinda feels like when a teacher goes out, so they have a sub, and the teacher assigned some kind of packet or test. And then you go and actually do the assignment, only to find out later that you never really had to do it in the first place because it was all just busy work and it didn't even count for a grade.

This happened a lot in geometry last year.
The teacher still owes my class donuts. 

Aah, donuts...
Damnit, I want donuts now.

Oh, yeah! 
AAA sent us cookies a while ago as a thank you gift for staying with the company or something.
(What, did you really think I'd end there? No way! I'm on a roll! And I wonder if people still say that)
Guess how long a while ago was.
Two months.
Two months ago, they sent us cookies and we didn't get them til now cuz the post office never sent my mother anything to tell her that there was a package for her.
And she told me to wait until my father came home, cuz she's not sure if the cookies are okay or not.
but they're cookies.
With chocolate.
Damnit I want--
Oh, we have chocolate! 
*Will eat chocolate once done with this post!!*

Oh, a friend (would I call you a friend?) told me about this a while ago.
Go clicky! It's very funny.
To go to the next one, you just go to the bottom and click on the link there.
I really like it.
Thank you, Devan Moss for telling me about this.
Since I'm not allowed to watch anime for a month I read that while eating dinner, and half the time I choke on my food cuz I'm laughing so hard... so sad... (All I did was neglect to print something until the morning!! WHY A MONTH???? [she might let you off for good behavior] If she ever does that, it's usually just one day before the end! And she never lets off for good bahavior!!!!!!!!)

Anyway, CLICK!!!

1 comment:

  1. It seems shorter when read in Reader vs. on Blogger. :P

