I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
-Marshall McLuhan

23 February 2011

Wow, two posts in two days!!

Hello again, dear readers. 

I dunno why, but I found myself with some time and I though, y'know, I guess I may as well write another blog post. Cuz I have nothing better to do. Yes, dear readers, because you are so precious to me. 

Assuming you still read this.
If you don't, congrats! 
If you do, even more congrats! And an Are you crazy? That much time to kill? Wow.

Anyway. This Friday my school'll be taking part in a UIL practice meet for journalism. We're going to bring signs and stuff and cheer on the other schools, cuz apparently that's what they did last time, and it does sound like fun. So I was told to try the news writing part. The editor asked me if I wanted to be in news or editorial, but she probably wanted me to be in news. I wonder if it's because I don't look very opinionated.


Oh, whoopy, he's back.

Also, she asked me to write the rambling for this issue (this rotating column thing she decided to have), most likely not because she thought I had anything interesting to say, but more likely because of the fact that I was put in charge of the Lit Page, and thus wasn't doing much for the mag. So, I gave it a bit of thought. And then a lot of thought. And I have come up with this:

"I suppose I should start with some deep, motivative, thought-provoking statement. I'm sorry, but I have none. I suppose I'll try to keep this... post-modern, if you will, tone throughout this column, but forgive me if I fail, for I seem to be good at that."

So, that was kind of half sarcastic, half I-don't-know-if-she's-trying-to-be-sarcastic-or-not. I think I'll keep the first two sentences, at least. I suppose I'll go on to talk about dumb things I believed when I was a kid (eg: I thought the opening to Pokemon was sung by a woman, and I thought Cardcaptor Sakura was about a real person cuz they had some girl dress up for the ending credits at one point. Absurd stuff, oui?) or maybe about how maladjusted I am? 

Oh, why did I agree to write it? It's such a small thing, too, so I don't want to go and say no... I'm too weak willed.


Hey, I meant that one this time.

Essays. I was going to talk about essays. 
They suck. They really do. 
Like, for state-wide tests, see. 
Cuz they always, always choose prompts I just can't relate to. Example, in English last week, we had to write a practice essay. Our prompt?

Describe a time when you were afraid.

I've gone through somewhat traumatizing things, and sure I'm dramatic and stuff and I've been through scary things, but I've never actually been scared in my life. Not even for horror movies. Cuz they suck, and they're really better for comedy than scares. 

So I BSed about this bus crash I was in in 7th grade. Big whoop. I mean, I guess I was kind of scared at a philosophical standpoint, when I first really realized how insignificant my existence is on the scale of the universe, and how easily it'd be for the universe to kill me, and how stupid it all is for me to ponder these things. How do I put that in an essay?

I was lying in bed, thinking about things, like teddy bears and cake and music and yaoi. And after a while, my thoughts drifted to somewhere deeper and I began to think about myself and my place in the world. Blah, blah, blah, realizing how little I really mean to the universe put me in a small state of terror. The end.

Good essay? 
Oh, yeah, sure, sure. I'm sure I'd get a 4 for that one! It's a literary masterpiece!

I hate essays. What do essays matter academically, anyway? Especially with bullcrap prompts like that. It'd be better with a prompt like, "Between 18th century ninjas and futuristic pirates, who'd win?" 

Actually, I'd love to write an essay about that. Really, I really would.
I don't think they'll ever ask us to write a fictional essay, though. But if they did, I'd find a way to incorporate zombies. And crayons. Somehow. 


You know, I always wondered why people always talk like idiots to small children. You know that tone, where your voice gets all high pitched and you say words slowly as if you're trying to kiss up to an idiot. I mean, it's bad enough in cartoons and TV shows, but even real life, living, breathing, not-supposed-to-be-idiotic people do it. 

I bet people spend the first six years of their lives thinking the world talks like a bad cartoon.


I got a new bed spread. It feels so weird with it. And I changed my pillow case, too. The whole room seems so different... mostly because most of my room is occupied by my bed. Hmm. 

That didn't take very much contemplation.


You know, a short while ago, I finally consciously realized that most of my friends probably aren't virgins. I mean, yeah, that seems pretty obvious, but the most exposure I've had to sex is lewd jokes on Cracked.com, That's what she said! type conversations with my mother and brother (don't judge. We're a very open family) and yaoi. 

But those things seem so separate from my world. But then, people that more or less most likely exist in my world talk about sex and blowjobs and stuff so easily. Even freshmen! Well, actually, I'm younger than half those annoying little twits (don't ask me why I think they're annoying. I know my class was pretty bad last year, but I just don't like freshmen. Or middle schoolers. Elementary schoolers even less. Suffice it to say, I hate children.) but still! 

Personally, I really can't quite imagine it. We're not even legally adults. I mean, sure, fool around with some guys or girl, or even objects and animals (some psychologists think humans are omnisexual, so there!) once you're, like, in college and after. Cuz by then you're old enough to take responsibilities for STDs and unwanted children. Kind of. Well, let's assume that this hypothetical scenario takes place in a more convenient world. Anyway, it's not even just the thought that underage kids are out their screwing their brains out while trying to figure out calculus (okay, admittedly, not at the same time, I hope). It's the fact that there are people I know and am friends with and talk to about yaoi are the ones screwing their brains out. And it's even the majority.

Then again, I guess it's expected, since most of my friends are seniors this year.
But I really mean it for the whole school.
It's almost mindblowing.
But then I realize I'm being idiotic and naive and I go back to that spiteful, cynical little child I am.

So, I guess my point is, growing up really sucks 'cause it makes me feel like an idiot.


Also, if this post gets any comments, my next one will be a short story involving zombies, crayons and another object that will have to be decided later. You guys can suggest the last object. 

So, basically, I'm hoping no one will comment, and, frankly, it's not like anyone will, anyway.

So, yeah, I guess I'll just kinda leave now, awkwardly and just kinda cut off the post abruptly like I always do. 

Like, bye! 

22 February 2011

Wow, it's been a while since I've written...

So... um... hi.
Assuming anyone's still there. It's been more than a month since my last post, so, uh, sorry about that, and, uh, don't expect it to get any better. The past month, I've been sick a lot and very sleep deprived, so most of it passed in an almost drunken haze and none of it's really interesting. 

It really does feel like this year is passing by so fast. And most of my friends are seniors this year, damnit. By my senior year, I'll be stuck with a grade full of people I don't talk to. *sigh* 


One big reason I decided to blog today, though, was that I saw an article in the NY Times saying something about how the amount of blogging is doing down in young folk, who are moving more for stuff like Twitter and Tumblr, whatever that last one is. 

Though, I never really got why everyone would want a Twitter. Businesses? Sure? Musicians or people who want to move traffic to a site, sure, why not? But why every single person on this earth (except me, of course.) I mean, does the whole world really need to know if you're going to the grocery store, or if you think your dog's fat? I'd rather think not. But whatever. 

And a lot of people seem to be into Tumblr lately. I really don't get what it is. Blogging's blogging, right? 


Do you think in some hundred years from now, people will ridicule us for our obsession with paper money? There's not even real metal behind it anymore. 


If we lived in a world where there was a gay/lesbian majority, would straight porn be the equivalent of yaoi/yuri? o.o


I got an Owl City CD today. 
I finally listen to western music, thanks to Pandora. It's very surprising. I kind of gave up of K-pop until I saw IU's Good Day. She's actually pretty good. It was surprising. 

Anyway, I got the Owl City CD (Ocean Eyes Deluxe Edition) cuz... well... I kind of like that style of music. And I like the weird lyrics. He wrote a song about going to the dentist! 

Darnit, I just tried to sync my ipod to my computer, and I had to delete a bunch of songs from playlists so it'd all fit.
I finally did it, though.
With 0.01 GB of space left.


You know, in my head, I had a lot more stuff to write about, but... it kind of... died. Or maybe it was just never there in the first place. It's really quite pathetic, I know. 

So, I'm sorry you were given such a lame post. I'll try to write something better next time.

Damn, I have homework to do...


Again, I'm so very sorry.